Certified Translations & Document Translations:
Certified translations are translations prepared by translators who have been officially appointed and sworn for their respective language(s) at the competent court, authorising them to prepare official translations from their native language into “their” foreign language and vice versa. This conforms to so-called "notarized translations" since notaries are not permitted to notarize translations in Germany - hence the institution of a "sworn translator".
Administration institutions and government authorities often require certified translations to ensure a complete and exact representation of the original. This concerns e.g.
- training and study certificates, diplomas, letters of reference acquired abroad, and
- birth certificate, marriage certificates, non-marriage certificates, driving licenses.....
required for marrying in Germany, or to apply for a job, or for other official purposes. Through their respective certification note, seal and signature, certified translators confirm that the translation is correct, complete and conforms exactly to the original or copy provided, ensuring that no manipulation or forgery of the translation is possible.
As an officially appointed and sworn document translator for English, Martina Bühner is authorized to perform this kind of translation. Costs are calculated from the costs for the translation itself (depending on the amount of text) plus a certification fee. For more information please contact us.